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Writer's pictureTrudy Avery

Kid Fix

Day 98

I went to the mall on Saturday and then to the grocery store, and I got my kid fix. It was great. My nest is empty, so I enjoy just seeing all the little chicks from all the other nests. I saw little girls with their Build-a-Bears in their Build-a-Bear boxes. I saw sisters in little matching pink jackets. I saw babies in fleece ksleepers. I saw kids riding on their Daddy’s shoulders. I saw a brother and sister fighting over who got to push the button on the conveyor belt at the grocery store. It’s not like I’m a creeper. I’m not following them or anything. But I notice them and really enjoy seeing them. And seeing them doesn’t make me feel sorry for myself that I don’t have kids at home any more. It just makes me feel GOOD. Christmas is coming. Lots of parents at the mall already look frazzled. But some look like they’re actually enjoying being there with their kids. They’re my favourites. And I’M enjoying seeing THEM enjoying their kids. Lots of joy all around.

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